Henry came into the shelter scared and shy. Henry, adopted a year ago, just moved to Maryland with his Sphinx cat sister and his shepherd mix brother. He has come out of his shell more and more every day!

Henry came into the shelter scared and shy. Henry, adopted a year ago, just moved to Maryland with his Sphinx cat sister and his shepherd mix brother. He has come out of his shell more and more every day!
Please let me know how we can help a beautiful Pomeranian who was abandoned by owner at her parents house but they cannot take care of him. The HOH told my daughter take him if you want him I will give him to you. He isn’t kept in the basement with a dim light and around 7am tide to the porch for his necessities. He barks almost all day and we are suffering because he doesn’t have a healthy life. WHAT COULD WE DO!!!
Please call the shelter directly at (914) 632-2925 & ask for the manager.